Why The Sunshine Coast? Lifestyle & Economy

For decades the Sunshine Coast has been a renowned holiday destination and a great place to retire, but what was once just a sleepy coastal town is growing into a great city with so much more to offer and people from all over the globe are recognising this.

So what makes the Sunshine Coast so attractive? The two key factors that put the Sunshine Coast on the map are an incredible lifestyle and a strong economy and it’s the latter that makes lifestyle even more attractive.

Australia Map


Imagine a region where the most advanced technology is being developed, pristine beaches are on offer, there is nation leading investment and growth, and it is perfect for growing families.

Attracting visitors from all over the globe, many who come for a week want to stay for a lifetime because of the year-round temperate climate, beautiful natural settings and accommodating amenities (the list of which is only growing with all the new infrastructure investment). The culmination of safety, security, natural wonder, modern conveniences, amenity and future opportunities makes for a great place to live. The Sunshine Coast offers this in spades and leaves little to be compromised.

A thriving region becoming a smart city, nestled between world class beaches and the iconic Glass House Mountains delivers the best of nature, business, culture, experience, old and new. Locals and visitors alike can enjoy fine and fun dining, adventure, relaxation, art, sport, animal and ecological encounters and more; all of the highest quality.

Those that visit get a glimpse, and those that live here can immerse themselves in the maturing culture of the region.



A strong economy is one of the fundamental cogs in the ‘Opportunity Machine’ and the Sunshine Coast is becoming a diverse and thriving powerhouse.

The Sunshine Coast economy is exceeding all targets and expectations due to the exponential impact of a range of infrastructure projects and the most entrepreneurial city in the country. It’s strong foundation of key industries create a robust and diverse economic ecosystem.

The Gross Regional Product (GRP) is forecast to be $33 billion by 2033, driven by $12.5 billion in infrastructure investment (the highest level of infrastructure spend per capita in the country).
While this is an impressive statistic, we believe this figure will be achieved far sooner. More importantly, a fundamental shift in the economic drivers beyond what has been estimated will result in
increased jobs, demand and disposable household income.

The strength of the economy, and the opportunity that brings, attracts people who see the value, want to be part of the growth and can flourish in the welcoming and supportive environment
this region affords its residents and investors.


While the lifestyle is a core consideration for the those choosing the Sunshine Coast, ultimately it’s the jobs on offer and expansion of the economy that will drive future growth.

Like a high performance sports car, imagine that the Sunshine Coast lifestyle is the desirable exterior, but without a well engineered framework and differential (7 key industries), and an optimised and efficient engine (4 core fundamental projects), the car may look impressive, but not go anywhere. Not only is the Sunshine Coast primed for forward momentum, it’s being SUPERCHARGED by:

7 Key industries, 4 core projects, 7 key econmic drivers

We’ll look at these in our next blog post.

Download our full guide: Why The Sunshine Coast (2023 Edition)

View our selection of Sunshine Coast investment properties for sale.